
Paper Tree - the tree is growing every day

The Youth Exchange “Paper tree!” will gather together young people aged between 18 and 25 years old in order to discuss and analyze their own role in the decision making process in society concerning regional ecology problems. The main topics of youth exchange are:
- The role of youth in the field of environmental protection;
- The analysis of the existing legislation/practices in each of partner countries what concerns ecology and recycling methods;
- The creation of conditions, tools useful for youth in order to develop together projects aiming to improve the ecological situation of their region;
The project partners are 6 active NGO’s in youth filed from Programs Countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and from Neighboring Partner Countries, Eastern Europe and Caucasus (EECA): Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.
The activities we are planning have the meaning to make young people to analyze the ecological situation of their region/country, to compare with other countries and to identify common points/differences between them. The participants will work together on common solution for identified problems, learning from each other. The results will be published on a weblog in order to insure visibility of their work and to develop a communication tool among them after they will return to home countries.
In order to insure the quality of the project and the correct information each group will be asked in advance to prepare a short video about their community/region/country referring to the main topic of the Youth Exchange: ecological thinking. The aim and the objectives will be achieved with the help of non-formal learning methods as working sessions, practical activities outside, communication with local community.

The Youth Exchange: 20-30 of June, 2010.
The APV: 11-13 of June 2010.
Please confirm before 25th of April if the dates for APV are suitable for you so that we could book the hotel rooms in Tallinn for you.

As you read in the summary, each national group has to prepare in advance a presentation of the ecological situation in the country:
- Places for throwing the garbage, if there are any. If not, where people bring the garbage. This refers to the community.
- The legislation existing in the country what concerns the protection of environment: methods of recycling, if there are any.
- How people respect the rules?
- The special equipment for the recycling, for throwing the garbage, if there are.
- Existing mass-media in the field of environment protection: how many people read it and where from?
- Etc
This presentation should be a recorded video so that the other participants would see and hear what is happening in your country.

Last week-end we just visited the hosting place which is located 38 km distance from Tallinn. It is a nice place. Here zou can find the link: http://www.oxforell.ee/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=19&Itemid=20&lang=et
During the APV days will have a visit to the place and will prepare together the activities we can do. At the moment you can find in the attachment a draft of daily program that we will work more together when we meet in the begenning of June.

See you in Estonia vvvvery soon !!!!

    Paper Tree :)

  Proiectul „Copacul de Hârtie”. Pasul I: Vizita de Planificare începe

Societatea Culturală a Moldovenilor din Estonia „Luceafărul” va găzdui în oraşul Tallinn, în perioada 11-13 iunie 2010 cei 6 lideri de grup din Ucraina, Georgia, Republica Moldova, Lituania, Letonia şi Estonia cu ocazia desfăşurării Vizitei Prealabile de Planificare (APV) prevăzută în cadrul proiectului „Paper Tree”/”Copacul de Hârtie”. Aceasta este prima activitate din cadrul proiectului menţionat care este un schimb european de tineret Acţiunea 3.1 din cadrul programei de tineret „Tineret în acţiune”, Acţiunea 3.1, susţinut financiar  de către Agenţia Naţională a Estoniei Euroopa Noored Eesti Büroo, cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene.

Cei 6 lideri de grup vor discuta timp de două zile de lucru, cât va dura întâlnirea, despre realizarea practică a proiectului, detaliile ce ţin de pregătirea fiecărui grup de 6 tineri din fiecare ţară parteneră. Scopul vizitei este ca partenerii să se cunoască între ei, să facă cunoştinţă cu locurile unde se va desfăşura schimbul european de tineret şi cu alte aspecte.

Deoarece tema proiectului este Ecologia şi Protecţia mediului ambiant, fiecare grup naţional va pregăti o temă pe acasă ce ţine de situaţia ecologică din regiunea, de legislaţia în domeniul protecţiei mediului ambiant din fiecare ţară participantă, de metodele de reciclare, în caz că ele există, şi altele. Vizita de planificare este momentul oportun când partenerii vor primi o prezentare detaliată despre cum să realizeze tema de acasă, precum şi o ocazie de a veni cu sugestii şi recomandări.

Schimbul European de Tineret propriu-zis urmează să aibă loc în perioada 20-30 iunie 2010 în regiunea Kose, Estonia cu participarea a 36 de tineri din cele 6 ţări partenere. Detalii vor urma în zilele următoare.